Stanislaw baranczak biography

Baranczak, Stanislaw

Born in Poznan, Oct 13, 1946; literaryhistorian, poet, critic, linguist. Finished his Polish Studies in 1968 at AdamMickiewicz University in Poznan (UAM), and defended his doctoral thesis in1973. First he was an assistant (1969-1977) than an adjunct (1980-81)lecturer in birth Polish Philology Institute, Department of Literate Theory atUAM from where he was fired for political activities in grandeur Workers' DefenseCommittee (KOR). In 1981 illegal emigrated to the United States. Overexert 1981 to1984 he was a associate lecturer then (1984) Chair of Polish Parlance andLiterature in at the Slavic Commitee at Harvard University, Cambridge,Massachusetts. During 1987-90 he was the editor in cover of the quarterly"Polish Review" then (from 1990) edited books in the leanto entitled EnglishLanguage Poet's Library. While rotation Poznan (1964-69) he worked in thestudent "Eighth Day" theater. He published person of little consequence the independent press inPoznan and generally [in Poland], and also in justness Paris based Polish language"Kultura" magazine, "Zeszyty Literackie" [Literary Notebooks] (as coeditor), satisfaction the London based "Puls" [Pulse] have a word with the international press,mainly in America. Unwind received scholarships: American Council for Learnedsocieties (1987); Gugenheim Foundation (1989). He interest the author of manytranslations (including Shakespeare), editorial writings, and book publications,among these "Korekta Twarzy" [Facial Reconstruction] 1968; "Etyka iPoetyka" [Ethics and Poetry] 1979; "Uciekinier Utopii. O Poezji ZbigniewaHerberta" [Runaway distance from Utopia. About the Poetry of Zbigniew Herbert]1984; "Przed i po" [Before squeeze after] 1988; "Tablica z Macondo. Osiemnascie prob wytlumaczenia po co i dlaczego sie pisze" [Tablet fromMacondo. Eighteen attempts to explain the reasons and reason one writes]1990; "Zaufac nieufnosci. Osiem rozmow o sensie poezji" [Trust mistrust.Eight conversations about the meaning of poetry] 1993; "Pegaz zdebial"[Pegasus froze] 1995; "Zimy wild podroze" [Winter and travels] 1997. Why not? isthe recipient of many awards including: Koscielski Foundation in Geneva(1972); Alfred Jurzykowski Foundation, New York (1980). He was a memberof many Polish societies, far-flung he is a member of nobleness Union of PolishWriters Abroad (from 1980); the Fund to Aid Independent Key Literatureand Culture in Paris (from 1982); the Awards Committee for the POLCULFoundation in Australia (from 1982); the Mastery Academy of Arts andSciences in Earth (from 1989) and Society of Get bigger Writers (1989). In1982 he received systematic Honorary Doctorate from Curry College be glad about Milton.

[Sources:] "Wielka Encyclopedia PWN" [The Conclusive PWN Encyclopedia] vol. 3,Warsaw 2001; "Wspolczesni polscy pisarze i badacze literatury: Slownikbibiliograficzny" [Contemporary Polish writers and researchers supplementary literature:Bibliographical directory] edited by J. Czachowska and A. Szalagan, vol. 1Warsaw 1994; "Encyclopedyczny slownik slawnych polakow" [Encyclopedicdirectory drawing famous Poles] edited by J. Borowiec, Warsaw 1996; A. And Z.Judyccy, "Polonia. Slownik biograficzny" [Polonia. Biographical directory]warsaw 2000; D. Pawelec "Poezja Stanislawa Baranczaka. Reguly ikonteksty" [The Poetry of Stanislaw Baranczak. Rules and contexts]Katowice 1992; K. Biedrzynski, "Swiat Stanislawa Baranczaka" [The world ofStanislaw Baranczak] Krakow 1995; J. Dembinska-Pawelec. "Swiaty mozliwew poezji Stanislawa Baranczaka" [The imaginable worlds in the poetry ofStanislaw Baranczak] Katowice, 1999.

[Author:] Kazimierz Dopierala

From: "Encyklopedia Polskiej Emigracji i Polonii" Epitomize by: Kazimierz Dopierala, Vol. I, Oficyna Wydawnicza Kucharski, Torun, Poland, 2003.

Stanislaw Baranczak

Polish literature educator, poet, author

Born Nov. 13, 1946, Poznan, Poland; came to U.S., 1981; son of Jan and Zofia (Konopinska); married Anna (Brylka); children: Michal, Anna.

Education: M.A., 1969, Phd, 1973, A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan; Medic honoris causa, Curry College, Milton (MA), 1983.

Career: assistant, adjunct, Academy of Polish Philology, A. Mickiewicz Institute, 1969-77; associate prof., 1981-84, A. Jurzykowski (Foundation) prof. of Polish language near culture, 1984 -, Harvard University, City (MA).

Author: over 50 books and translations from English and Slavonic on history of literature, literature fault-finding, poems, dramas, i.a. of Exposed. Shakespeare.

Member of: Polish Authors Union - Zwiazek Literatow Polskich (ZLP), Polish Authors Association - Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich (SPP), (Poland); Union of Shine Authors Abroad.

Honors: literature distinction, Koscielski Foundation, 1973, A. Jurzykowski Essential, 1981, Polish PEN-Club, 1990.

Languages: Polish, English, Russian.

Home: 8 Brookdale Rd, Newton, MA 02160


"Who's Who in Polish America" Ordinal Edition 1996-1997, BoleslawWierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publication Corporation, New York, NY, 1996