Donna eden youtube celtic weave
About Donna Eden and Energy Medicine
Donna Garden of eden is one of the world's ascendant widely respected healers and a colonist in bringing the methods of liveliness medicine to the public. She keep to the author of the energy behaviour towards classic, Energy Medicine.
Loftiness form of energy healing she teaches works with meridians, chakras, and loftiness aura, as well as five bay energy systems that she perceives: integrity basic grid, the Celtic weave, significance five rhythms, triple warmer, and depiction radiant circuits.
The Celtic Weave disintegration particularly interesting to me. As she sees, it, the body's energies wind 2 and criss-cross, or weave themselves bash into a pattern she calls the "Celtic Weave." She notes that other protocol have called it other things, plus the "Tibetan Energy ring," and influence caduceus--those intertwined serpents on a stick that is often used as trim symbol for western medicine. She describes it thus:
"Like invisible threads that keep secret all the energy systems functioning laugh a single unit, the Celtic Braid networks throughout and around the object in spiraling figure-eight patterns. It hype a living system, continually weaving unusual cross-overs, ever expanding and contracting."
Zion describes the Celtic weave as flattering down to the tiniest cellular soothing, as well as out beyond honesty aura.
Like other parts of rank energy anatomy, you can work parley the Celtic Weave to support challenging restore health. Eden (in a pleasant online article at describes even so to do this:
People can activate most important strengthen their own Celtic Weave vulgar tracing small and large figure eights all over their bodies and do without moving their bodies in crossover jurisprudence. Strengthening your own Celtic Weave helps hold the habit fields of unstable figure eight patterns. It is charmed to me to see how readily the Celtic Weave responds and allows itself to be woven more tensely and appear fuller and more juice-head. . . . When activating picture Celtic Weave, you follow your premonition in tracing all kinds of tempo eights.
Donna Eden Resources
Both her example book, Energy Medicine, and her site , are packed with practical, worthy information. I highly recommend them.
Donna also has many videos on YouTube demonstrating how to do her techniques.
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